Pulmonary &
sleep study services

World class care from
Conway, Arkansas
In order to ensure that our valued patients receive accurate diagnoses and quality treatment, we offer a wide variety of services.
One of the services we offer is called a Pulmonary Function Test. This service is actually a catch-all term for a variety of tests and procedures that can measure your lung functionality and help us to accurately diagnose breathing problems. A patient experiencing shortness of breath might greatly benefit from a Pulmonary Function Test, or PFT.
We also offer bronchoscopies– procedures that allow us to take a closer look at your airway through a fiber optic scope called a bronchoscope. During one of these examinations, we will study your throat, larynx, trachea, and lower airways. These tests are often used to make an informed diagnosis for cancer, or to obtain samples to test for infection or inflammation of the lungs.
Another important service we offer is our sleep clinic. There are millions of Americans currently dealing with sleep disorders– and most of these go undiagnosed. After all, it’s hard to identify a problem that only occurs when you’re fast asleep. That’s where our sleep clinic comes in, allowing us to diagnose sleep disorders as soon as possible and prevent future health complications.
Pulmonary Function Tests (PFTs)
CT Scans
Sleep Studies
Allergy Testing
Our specialists also provide:
Bronchoscopy is a procedure that lets doctors look at your lungs and air passages. It’s usually performed by a doctor who specializes in lung disorders (a pulmonologist). During bronchoscopy, a thin tube (bronchoscope) is passed through your nose or mouth, down your throat and into your lungs.
Is it painful having a bronchoscopy?
The bronchoscope has a light and a very small camera at its tip that displays pictures on a monitor to help guide your doctor in performing the procedure. The bronchoscope is advanced slowly down the back of your throat, through the vocal cords and into the airways. It may feel uncomfortable, but it shouldn’t hurt.
Thoracentesis is a procedure to remove fluid or air from around the lungs. A needle is put through the chest wall into the pleural space. The pleural space is the thin gap between the pleura of the lung and of the inner chest wall. The pleura is a double layer of membranes that surrounds the lungs. Inside the space is a small amount of fluid. The fluid prevents the pleura from rubbing together when you breathe. Excess fluid in the pleural space is called pleural effusion. When this happens, it’s harder to breathe because the lungs can’t inflate fully. This can cause shortness of breath and pain. These symptoms may be worse with physical activity.
Is it normal to have pain after thoracentesis?
You may have some side effects after your procedure. These can include: Discomfort in the area where the needle was inserted If this pain gets worse, call your doctor or nurse. Pressure in your chest. Click to see full answer. Similarly, you may ask, how long does it take to recover from thoracentesis? This usually gets better after a day or two.
Pleurx Catheter/Drain placement
Pleurx Catheter/Drain placement is a small, flexible tube that doctors place within the patient’s chest to drain fluid from the pleural space. The pleura are layers of tissue that surround your lungs and chest cavity, and a small amount of fluid between the tissue layers helps your lungs expand and contract.
Hospital consult
Pulmonary inpatient consult affiliated with Conway Regional Medical Center and Baptist Medical Center-Conway